This year's safety campaign focuses on meaningful conversations across the HPL team. Feel free to use this space to share your insights, or provide anecdotes of your neighborhood library on how you promote or practice safety at your location. Have issues posting or replying? Check out how here:

December 1, 2017

Holiday Safety: Drive Sober and Give Safely

Holiday safety is the most burning issue from late November to mid-January, when families gather, parties are scheduled and possible extensive driving and possible flying out of town for a few days up to a few weeks. Take some basic precautions to ensure your family safe throughout the season.
(Holiday Safety)

Be Surely to Drive Soberly!
Many people choose to travel during the holidays by automobile, with the highest fatality rate of any major form of transportation.
  • When there are engagements that you would consume alcohol, make sure a designated driver is present to ensure guests make it home safely after holiday parties. Any adequate amount of alcohol, over-the-counter or illegal drugs all cause impairment that may spoil your after holiday plans. 
  • Make sure every person in the vehicle is properly buckled up no matter how long or short the distance being traveled
  • Please, and please put that cell phone away, especially while driving! All distracted driving causes 1/4 of all crashes
  • Keep an emergency kit with you at all times (National Safety Council: Enjoy a Safe Holiday Season)
    Give Gifts, But Give Safely
    We've all heard it's important when choosing toys for infants or small children to avoid small parts that might prove to be a choking hazard. Here are some additional gift-related safety tips:
    How Will You and Your Family Keep Yourselves Safe During This Holiday Season?