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August 1, 2017

National Immunization Awareness Month

What does August remind you of? For me is back to school month, as we all wind down from the summer vacation, traveling with family and friends before heading back to school. Before getting ready for school, it is also important to be vaccinated before returning to school. National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. During this month, use this as an opportunity to get yourself and your family vaccinated before the fall.  

Make Sure Vaccine Records Up to Date
It is important to keep your vaccine records up to date, so that when you do need to request it, you would not need to spend more time getting your missed or updated vaccines. If you need proof of immunization, the best place to start is by contacting the clinic, doctor, or healthcare provider administered the vaccination. If your provider has the record on file, this will be the fastest way of obtaining your records. (Texas Department of State Health and Human Services)

If you need proof of immunization for your child, contact the last school that was attended. Schools are required to keep records for a minimum number of years. 
Adult Need Vaccines Too!
Vaccination is important for everyone because it protects the person receiving the vaccine and helps prevent the spread of disease, especially to those who are most vulnerable to serious complications (such as infants and young children, the elderly, and those with chronic conditions and weakened immune systems). All adults, including pregnant women, should get the influenza (flu) vaccine each year to protect against seasonal flu. (National Immunization Awareness Month)

At times, there may be other vaccines that are needed for adults, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and HPV) depending on their age, occupation, travel, medical conditions, vaccinations they have already received, or other consideration. Not sure what vaccines you need? Check out this link with the quiz: CDC: What Vaccines Do You and Your Family Need?

There are many other resources on immunization, check out some of these resources to help get you and your family started.

How are You Encouraging Your Family and Friends Get Vaccinated?