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July 3, 2017

Summer Safety: Water and Fire Safety

Summer is here! With many family members taking time off, visiting friends and family across the county and possibly abroad. Some would be attending various festivals and events many with fireworks especially this month, it is important to remember while we are having fun, safety is #1 key.

Water Safety
Importance of water safety can’t be overstated, drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 to 2, but  anyone can be at risk. In 2013, 3,391 people over all age groups have drowned. (NSC Safety in and Out of the Water, 2017)
Water safety should be practiced with adults, knowing how to perform all following tips under our belts can save our as well as another’s life. According to an American Red Cross survey, only 56% of adults say they swim are able to perform five critical water-safety skills that could save their lives. Some of these include:
  • Floating or treading water for one minute without a flotation device
  • Stepping or jumping into water over your head and returning to the surface
  • Exiting a pool without using a ladder 
  • Swimming 25 yards without stopping (NSC Safety in and Out of the Water, 2017)

Fire Safety
The National Safety Council advises everyone to stay away from all consumer fireworks and to only enjoy fireworks at a public display conducted by seasoned professionals. In 2015, 11 people died and about 11,500 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (Best to Leave Fireworks to the Experts)
There are some fireworks that are legal for consumers to purchase and use, but not necessarily legal. It is highly advised for everyone to only enjoy fireworks at a public display conducted by seasoned professionals. Check out this video by the NFPA.

Summer is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends outside, and outdoor activities are a great way to be active and stay in shape. Make sure you don't put an end to the fun because of a preventable injury.

Remember to report any issues of unsafe playgrounds to the owner or park district as necessary. Children under 6 yrs old should be supervised at all times by an adult. (Like to Play Outside? NSC Shares Some Tips for Staying Safe)

How are You Staying Safe This Summer?