This year's safety campaign focuses on meaningful conversations across the HPL team. Feel free to use this space to share your insights, or provide anecdotes of your neighborhood library on how you promote or practice safety at your location. Have issues posting or replying? Check out how here:

May 10, 2017

Summer Safety Tips

Summer is just around the corner, and with the heat rising and more activities we will be doing outside, such as running Summer Reading programs, tours and outreach with our staff and our customers, be sure to keep our safety thinking caps on and stay safe!

Rising Heat Indicators
Summer heat can be dangerous and even deadly! Hundreds of deaths occur each year in the US caused by heat exposure. In Houston, we have about 100 days every year with temperature reaches at least 90 degrees and with high humidity percentages. Let’s keep the following Summer Safety Tips in mind while at work and home.

General Guidelines
Whether you’re working or playing outside in the summer, anybody not accustomed to the heat is at risk for a heat-related illness. Take steps to protect yourself:

Wear appropriate clothing, including a wide-brimmed hat
Take frequent water breaks
Apply sunscreen with SPF 15+
NEVER leave kids or pets unattended in a vehicle (National Safety Council Outsmart Summer Danger)

Cars, Children and Pets
  • Temperatures inside a vehicle can reach up to 140 degrees F within minutes.
  • Properly supervise children during outdoor play and monitor them closely and frequently.
  • Check your pet(s) frequently for unusual behavior patterns that may be early warnings signs for heat exhaustion and possible heat stroke.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles while you run to do a quick errand.

  • Have a Safe Summer!